Reinforcement steel processing machinery
La Roche are Manufacturers of Reinforcement Bar Bending and Bar Cutting Machinery.
La Roche was established in 1949, and manufacture Bar Bending and Bar Cutting Machinery with
capacities up to 55mm high tensile steel. In addition to the main product range the La Roche range includes
Construction Machinery and ancillary equipment for the Concrete Industry.
La Roche’s additional products which are handled by Reinforcement & Construction Machinery (RCM) include,
Compaction Equipment, Concrete Vibration Equipment, Concrete Floor Cutting Machinery,
Kennedy Manual Rebar Benders, Manual Rebar Cutters, Steel Fixers Nips, Block Cutters, Water Pumps,
Cranking Irons and Concrete Power Trowels.
La Roche was established in 1949, and manufacture Bar Bending and Bar Cutting Machinery with
capacities up to 55mm high tensile steel. In addition to the main product range the La Roche range includes
Construction Machinery and ancillary equipment for the Concrete Industry.
La Roche’s additional products which are handled by Reinforcement & Construction Machinery (RCM) include,
Compaction Equipment, Concrete Vibration Equipment, Concrete Floor Cutting Machinery,
Kennedy Manual Rebar Benders, Manual Rebar Cutters, Steel Fixers Nips, Block Cutters, Water Pumps,
Cranking Irons and Concrete Power Trowels.